Wellness Classes
Wellness Classes
Classes are $10 each or $25 for a package of 5.
Nutritional Health
Monthly instruction on introducing whole foods into your life. We learn, laugh, and sometimes taste amazing dishes from our own Chef Dana!
Women’s Health
Covering common questions and issues that arise regarding daily health for American women. Topics include hormones, eating disorders, breathing, childbirth, and foundational nutrition.
Emotional Health
Emotions are the root of so many health issues. In this monthly class we discuss the roots of illnesses and tools to use to overcome them for the betterment of your body.
Scripture & Natural Health
So many times natural health is looked at with suspicion and skepticism. This class challenges various worldviews with scriptural basis for natural remedies and resources. Come learn with us.
Movement and Mobility
Weekly customized fitness routines with our fitness instructor. All ability levels are welcome.
Mentoring Sessions
Mentoring sessions are available in person and online for emotional, spiritual and natural health support. We also provide mentoring opportunities for those learning natural health in various programs. Please request a discovery call to determine what plan would be best for your need.