Holistic Health for the Heart, Soul and Mind

Holistic Health for the Heart, Soul and Mind

How do we work?

That’s a great question!! Our health consultations with our NDs are all online now. In person is available for those local to Plano.

We work on a consultation basis, counseling/mentorship and in groups when needed or working on specific health needs.  If you need help determining what is best for you, please email us and we will work with you to determine the best plan to get started.

How to start:

To make your initial appointment you can select your appointment time from our scheduler.  Once your appointment, please be sure to fill out your paperwork BEFORE your appointment.

Please upload into your Practice Better portal (In documents folder):

  • A picture of your whole face
  • A picture of each ear – signify right from left
  • A picture of your tongue – stick it out wide. We also want a picture of the underside of it.
  • A picture of your fingernails. We are looking for specific things, Lunas (or moons), ridges, white spots, and the shape. Signify from the right hand or the left.  No need to take 10 pictures. Usually, the fingers on one picture and thumb on another one of one hand then move on to the next hand.
  • We also want a picture of each of your eyes up close.  We want to see the pupil, the iris (the colored part) and sclera (white part)
  • Your intake form filled out completely before the appointment

Labs: If you already have labs completed within the last 6 months, please upload those in your Practice Better portal.

If we need blood work for your consult, we will order them once your consult is over. The cost of labs is NOT INCLUDED IN THE PRICE OF YOUR CONSULTATION.

Your requisition will be uploaded into your portal and you will be notified that it is ready.

All of these things need to be sent to us BEFORE your actual consultation so please be prepared when making your appointment time.


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